What are the dangers waiting in unfiltered and untreated water?

Not sure why you should consider investing in water filtration? Check out a short list of dangers that might be lurking in unfiltered and untreated water: Bacteria Majority of pathogenic bacteria that is present in water is caused by humans/animal faeces that contaminate it. Disinfecting the water (with chlorine, for instance) often kills all the […]

What can a water filter do for your health?

Get Rid of Dissolved Organic Contaminants In addition to the main contaminants present in water such as chlorine and heavy metals, another concern regarding tap water is dissolved organics, which include drugs, pesticides and hormone residues. Since this issue is rather recent, this still needs to be investigated. Although there is no scientific proof that […]

Water softeners – Salt-based vs Salt free

Salt Based Water Softeners In essence, Water Softening is the removal of Calcium (Ca2+) as well as Magnesium (Mg2+) from water by means of an ion exchange process that makes use of polymer resin bed, which discharges a sodium particle to replace hardness minerals. A water test shows results such as this. Before treatment there […]

3 Water Filtration Issues That Can Affect The Quality of Water

The water filtration system for a home that is incorporated to its plumbing system gets rid of contaminants. Water filter issues must be repaired by a professional to prevent residents from becoming ill or exposed to harmful chemicals. If people are not satisfied with the look, taste and the odor of their home’s tap water, […]

Well water and city water – Know what you’re drinking

Well water and public water systems are two well  known drinking water sources. No matter what households use , whether well water or public water that the municipality treats before reaching their faucets, people should invest in a water softener filter combo so they can receive pure, filtered and clean soft water. It is important […]

Get Informed About Hard Water and Start Saving Money

Many people don’t know how to determine if the water is hard or soft. It is easy to see the difference between these two types of water. Just look at your tub and shower head. Hard water leaves a white build-up of scale from mineral on your surfaces. These scales consist of calcium and magnesium […]